This week, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux surprised guests with a wedding disguised as a birthday party. As reported by ET: "The intimate affair was held in front of 70 of their closest friends and family, including Howard Stern, Jason Bateman, Lisa Kudrow, Chelsea Handler, John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, Whilst this doesn't sound like my idea of low key or minimum fuss, l have been involved in a many Surprise Weddings over the years and admit l am quite a fan. Here are a few reasons why: You get to decide everything We've all been there. Someone you know says “I'm getting married” and after the hugs and hi-fives comes the “l know a florist”, “you should use my make up artist”, “what ever you do, don’t (insert personal opinion here)” What the happy couple see as their ideal way to get married get’s torn to strips and they are suddenly planning their parents/aunts/best friend’s perfect day. When you keep it a surprise you get to decide the who, what and where. After all, it is Your Wedding. (Please note - when l say "Your Wedding" l mean you AND your fiancé. Weddings where one party to the marriage had no prior knowledge are against the law in Australia. The bride and groom need to both give 30 days notice and full consent.)
"Our wedding captured the essence of who Stephen and I were. We felt the ceremony was the perfect length and our guests loved how we focused on Stephen first and then surprised everyone with the wedding ceremony." Reduce the drama Ok – so l am not going to say that Surprise Weddings are without drama. But l will say that drama can be reduced by limiting the lead time people have to create it. Make sure the important people will be there. This might mean spilling the beans to a stubborn parent or noncommittal friend to ensure they make the effort. It probably goes without saying, but be realistic about whether any of your guests would be unhappy with your union. If there is doubt that someone would make a scene, would you really want them at your wedding anyway? Low expectations There are certain expectations we all have about attending a wedding. There will be food and refreshments. There will be some formal part. There will probably be a cake, flowers, seating arrangements, confetti, speeches, high-heels, first dance, beef or chicken and so on and so on. Without even realising, we all expect certain things when we attend a wedding. However, if you think you are attending a housewarming or engagement party and all you expect is a sausage in bread and a beer or two – what a complete BONUS if you get to witness someone you love getting married. "The surprise on everyone’s face was just perfect. It was the best way to get married" Surprises are Fun Planning your wedding can be a really special time for you as a couple. The excitement of watching things fall into place and the anticipation of the reaction of your loved ones is heightened with a Surprise Wedding. It certainly is one way to ensure your guests will be talking about your day for many years to come. So far l have been a Yogalates Instructor, Life Coach, Neighbour, Bike Buddy
and old school friend. What alas would l need to have at your surprise wedding?
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